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Welcome to
Sharlene Flesher, PhD

Home: Welcome

Bridging science and engineering to understand how we move

and how to fix it when we can't

Last circuit Sunday in #Pittsburgh with
Light Bulb Poster

Finding Engineering

B.S. Computer Engineering May 2011

I declared my major as "computer engineering" before I knew what an engineer was. Engineering was a perfect fit for me, and I enjoy knowing how to approach and work through difficult problems to create a solution. I love all things sensor interface, and embedded C might be my favorite code language

Restoring lost arm and hand function

Ph.D. Neural Track
July 2017

The same way a complicated computer system can be broken down into simpler systems, I wanted to see how the brain could be broken down in a similar way. Brain-computer interface helped provide a framework for studying the brain while also helping to improve the lives of those who have lost the ability to move.

Using brain-computer interface as a scientific tool

Postdoctoral Research
Sept 2017 - Present

I continued to use brain-computer interface as both a science and engineering tool as a postdoctoral research. I am seeking to identify and describe what non-motor things are represented in the brain during movement to improve control of neuroprosthetic devices.

Sharing Science

Spreading awareness of the awesomeness of STEM

I want to spread the excitement I felt when I discovered engineering and that comes from satisfying scientific. I am always happy to discuss my research and the path that got me here with anyone who is curious, especially under represented groups and those who have not had exposure to the worlds of academia or STEM.

Home: Research


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